Synopsis: A small-town mechanic finds a relic of the sea out in the middle of his desert town, where it has no place being, and becomes fixated on it, to the woe of many people.
Notes: Like several of the stories in this collection, this started out as a dream...a nightmare, really, wherein I was personally undergoing some of the horrible changes the main character experiences. Luckily I woke up and remembered it. When I started writing it I also crafted it in part as an homage to the old horror movies I loved so much as a kid, many of them starring Lon Chaney, most of them in black and white. Even as a child I was fascinated and horrified by stories of people turning into someone--or something--else, or of finding something from another world, and the dire consequences that were sure to follow.
As is my nature I made this a little bloodier than those old classics, but only because blood is a scary thing in it's own right...whether it's your own, or you come home to an empty house that should be full of life and laughter, and find a pool of it slowly spreading across the kitchen floor...